Intro to Knitting 4/18

Intro to Knitting 4/18

April 18th Intro to Knitting Friday 6-7:30 PM In this workshop, students will get introduced to the basics of knitting. Intended for the beginner that has never held a needle – or tried to an couldn’t make it work. You will learn the basics – a...
This class is full-Dry Point Etching

This class is full-Dry Point Etching

In this afternoon workshop, Diane will guide you through the project and you will leave with your own scribe print. Bring a 4×6 or 5×7 image. Plastic printing plate, scribes, inking materials paper and gloves provided. We will get messy. Aprons and short...
This class is full-Intro to Crochet Workshop

This class is full-Intro to Crochet Workshop

This class is now full. Another version will be added soon.   In this workshop, students will get introduced to the basics of crochet and begin on a washcloth project. Intended for the beginner that has never held a hook – or tried to an couldn’t make...
Introduction to the pottery wheel -4 weeks

Introduction to the pottery wheel -4 weeks

A 4 week Intro to the Pottery WheelWednesday mornings 9AM-11AMNov 6, 13, 20… and Dec 4This 4-week introduction to wheel throwing is perfect for students with no previous experience on the wheel or those who are interested in returning to pottery. Includes clay,...